Not much to do today, exepct clean up the base camp and head off our seperate ways. Rob was making a dash for a rugby match, St Helens vs Braford I believe, rebecka had a day of looking round Derby Uni, as for the rest of us I think we just heade off home. After the last goodbyes I was given a lift to Derby bus station and the bus was even waiting to take me home. At home I find a list of messages waiting for me and after a spot of phoning round it seems I have one leaving party to attend in the afternoon, followed by a seperate dinner party with some work mates to be followed by a house warming party with my old uni house mates, all of which resulted in me being very drunk, having lost various vodka drinking games after which I.........well thats all another story really. Suffice to say that everyone I met that evening were given a glowing report about Working Holidays and the new friends I'd made there, even if they did think I had a screw loose for paying to work!!!

Ta ta for now, take good care of yourselves.
